Essential texts on International and European Criminal Law van

This volume comprises the principal policy documents and multilateral legal instruments on international and European criminal law, with a special focus on Europol and Eurojust as well as on initiatives aimed at combating international or organized crime or terrorism. The texts have been ordered according to the multilateral co-operation level within which they were drawn up: either PrĂ¼m, the European Union (comprising also Schengen-related texts), the Council of Europe or the United Nations. It is meant to provide students as well as practitioners (judicial and law enforcement authorities, lawyers, researchers, ...) throughout Europe with an accurate, up-to-date edition of essential texts on these matters. Over de auteur Gert Vermeulen is professor of Criminal Law and director at the Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP) Ghent University, Belgium.

Auteur G. Vermeulen, G.
ISBN 9789046608678 Bindwijze Paperback / softback
  • Prijzen
  • Specificiaties
  • Reviews
Categorie Recht algemeen
Rubriek Strafrecht en strafprocesrecht
NUR code 824
Betrokkenen Auteur: G. Vermeulen, G.
Redacteur: Gert Vermeulen, Gert
ISBN 9789046608678
Bindwijze Paperback / softback
Jaar uitgave 2017
Taal eng
Druk 9
Geïllustreerd Nee
Publicatie status Active
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