Irregular migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands van

IMISCOE Research

In Irregular Migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands, Masja van Meeteren studies the different ways in which irregular migrants live in Belgium and the Netherlands. The book offers an empirically grounded theoretical critique of the dominant research practice that focuses on 'survival strategies', relies on comparisons of migrant communities and overemphasizes structural explanations. Instead, Irregular Migrants takes irregular migrants´ aspirations as a starting point of analysis. Based on this innovative research approach, key questions are answered regarding the lives of irregular migrants. How can we understand their patterns of economic and social incorporation, the transnational activities they engage in, and the significance of different forms of capital? Drawing on intensive participant observation, as well as more than two hundred in-depth interviews with irregular migrants and representatives of organizations that are involved with them, Irregular Migrants develops much-needed contextualized insights. As such, it sheds new light on previous research findings and various deadlocked scholarly debates on irregular migrants in Western societies.

Auteur Masja van Meeteren
ISBN 9789089646439 Bindwijze Hardback
85.95 Levertijd: 3 - 5 Werkdagen >> Meteen bestellen bij
Irregular migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands
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Categorie Mens en maatschappij algemeen
Rubriek Minderheden, racisme, vluchtelingen
NUR code 747
Betrokkenen Auteur: Masja van Meeteren
Auteur: Masja van Meeteren, Masja
ISBN 9789089646439
Bindwijze Hardback
Jaar uitgave 2014
Taal eng
Druk 1
Geïllustreerd Nee
Publicatie status Active
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