Pure Italian cuisine van

Pure Italian Cuisine makes it possible that the dishes to be found at Roberto's Amsterdam can now be prepared at home. Roberto Payer is the ambassador of the Italian cucina in the Netherlands, and in conversation with cookery book expert Jonah Freud he acquaints you with the various Italian regions where the ingredients for the recipes and the wines to accompany the dishes come from. At Roberto's Amsterdam, Roberto Payer is the 'Godfather'of the restaurant, and the pure and mouth-watering food is cooked by the team led by head chef Franz Conde. Conde's recipes are accompanied with wine tips, and a great deal of attention is paid to the purity of the ingredients. The book contains recipes for soups (zuppe), starters (antipasti), pastas and risottos (primi), main courses of fish and meat (secondi), desserts (dolci) and side dishes (contorni), together with information about cheese, ice cream and garnita. Each recipe is easily made at home, and the wonderful photography by Jan Bartelsman will inspire you to get cooking straight away.

Auteur Roberto Payer, Roberto
ISBN 9789089896742 Bindwijze Hardback
37.59 Levertijd: Wordt verstuurd binnen: Ca. 3 werkdagen
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Categorie Eten en drinken algemeen
Rubriek Keuken per land en streek
NUR code 442
Betrokkenen Auteur: Roberto Payer, Roberto
Redacteur: Marjolijn Braamburg, Marjolijn
Vertaler: Peter Longbottom, Peter
Ilustrator: Jan Bartelsman, Jan
ISBN 9789089896742
Bindwijze Hardback
Jaar uitgave 2015
Taal eng
Druk 1
Geïllustreerd Nee
Publicatie status Active
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