Customers the day after tomorrow van

We are now entering the third phase of digitalization: the phase of far-reaching automation and artificial intelligence. This shift will radically change the relationship between companies and their customers. If companies want to remain customer-oriented, they will need to devise a new kind of customer strategy.

This book will guide you through the new phase of digitalization and help you to develop the mindset you need to keep your company ahead of the game in The Day After Tomorrow. Only then will you be able to successfully combine the most brilliant digital innovations with the most unique human skills.

Auteur Steven van Belleghem, Steven
ISBN 9789401445467 Bindwijze Digital download
23.99 Levertijd: Kijk op website voor meer informatie. >> Meteen bestellen bij
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Categorie Bedrijfskunde
Rubriek Marketing
NUR code 802
Betrokkenen Auteur: Steven van Belleghem, Steven
ISBN 9789401445467
Bindwijze Digital download
Jaar uitgave 2017
Taal eng
Druk 1
Geïllustreerd Nee
Publicatie status Active
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